
Training of Social Dialogue Experts / Morocco

As part of the SOLiD project, the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Entreprises BUSINESSMED and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises CGEM are organizing the workshop “Training of Social Dialogue Experts” for Human Resources Professionals. The deadline to register : March 27, 2018 To send your application and for more informations, please contact the project team via[…]



Regional Meeting on Human and Labour Rights

In the context of the SOLiD project, the Arab NGO Network for Development organized a regional expert workshopin Jordan on “Human and Labour Rights”. It was held in collaboration with the Jordanian Women’s Union, it aimed to open a discussion on the rights-based approach to labor issues, especially in the context of the interlinkages and connectedness of[…]



Training of Experts in Social Dialogue “Promoting Social Dialogue within companies : The CAC Platform for Social Peace and Productivity Improvement” Tunisia, September 19th and 20th 2017

In the framework the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood – SOLiD, BUSINESSMED (The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises) in partnership with UTICA organized a two-day training session under the theme « Promoting Social Dialogue within companies: The CAC Platform for Social Peace and Productivity Improvement » on September[…]