Follow up and coaching meetings, Focal Group on “Transnational Company Agreements and Sectorial Social Dialogue at Transnational Level”. The 17/02/2017 and the 03/03/2017, Rabat (Morocco)

The 17/02/2017 and the 03/03/2017, Rabat (Morocco), at the Headquarters of CESE Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental
Organizations involved: CESE Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental du Maroc, UMT Union Marocaine du Travail, CDT Confédération Démocratique du Travail, UGTM Union Générale des Travailleurs du Maroc

The follow up meetings were aimed at supporting Moroccan Trade Unions in the definition of strategies, recommendations and action plans for an effective implementation of Transnational Company Agreements, on the basis of the information gathered and the competences acquired through the participation of the First Focal Group on TCA held in Casablanca in December 2016.
N° 12 people participated in the activities, of which 1 expert and 11 trade unionists The activity saw a high level of participation and involvement from all members of the three unions involved. As pointed out during the Focal Group held in Casablanca in December 2016, Transnational Company Agreements are a quite new subject even in the international context, where Europe plays a major role given the number of TCA signed over the past decades. Consequently, the activity was aimed at clarify the legal framework and the logics underlying the dynamics and strategies at national and international level, with a focus on the Moroccan contexts, its features, limits and possibilities for improvement. The participants had the opportunity to test themselves and their competences by imagining, conceiving and experimenting, through a case study approach, various models of intervention concerning the implementation of TCA.