
Capacity Development Workshop

he Arab Trade Union Confederation ATUC organised, in coordination with The Arab NGO Network for Development ANND, a national Capacity Development workshops in Morocco on 27 and 28 January 2018. The project fell within the framework of the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood – SOLiD and in collaboration with […]



Political Economy of Social Dialogue in the Region / Common Diagnostic Regional Seminar

Within the framework of the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood – SOLiD, a three-day regional conference was organized by ATUC in partnership with the International Labour Organization ILO. It took place in Amman, from 24 to 26 January 2018. The event gathered about 30 affiliated organisations participants in the[…]



National Capacity Development Workshop

A National Capacity Development Workshop was organized by the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) in collaboration with the Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU) on January 15th & 16th 2018 in Jordan. The workshop aimed at helping the local actors (trade unions, employer’s organizations and civil society organizations) to get acquainted with the economic, social, legal and organizational[…]