
Official Adoption of SOLiD Charter

As a follow up action dedicated to the promotion of SOLiD results, the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises – BUSINESSMED organized a side event for the official adoption of SOLiD Charter in the margin of the 4th UfM Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour, that took place on April 2nd 2019, in Cascais – Portugal. The […]



Closing Conference of the Pilot Project SOLiD

The closing conference of the pilot project for the promotion of Social Dialogue in the southern Mediterranean neighborhood (SOLiD 2016-2019) took place on March 14th, 2019 at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. The closing conference, organized by BUSINESSMED in partnership with the DG Near and the EESC, saw the participation of[…]



Promotional Campaign for the SOLiD Project

16th – 17th November 2018 City of Culture in Tunis A promotional campaign on the SOLiD project was held in the City of Culture in Tunis from 16th to 17th November 2018, on the sidelines of the EU Conference EU4Youth on “Re-thinking of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Partnership”. The campaign took place aside with distinguished European projects. The[…]