
UfM High-Level Working Group: Eighth meeting of the on Employment and Labour

SOLiD Project was represented by its Director Mr Mustapha Tlili and its Deputy Director Mrs Jihen Boutiba during the 8th Meeting of the High Level Working Group on Employment and Labour: “Working together for employment, employability and decent work”, that took place in Brussels, on23rd and the 24th of October 2018. The meeting focused on the implementation […]



First Conclusive Conference for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean

Marrakech, October 2nd 2018, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) organized the first conclusive conference for the promotion of Social dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean. The event was held in the frame of the Pilot project for Promotion of social dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean (SOLID), a project funded by the European Commission, with the participation of[…]



Capacity Development Workshops for CSOs on Social Dialogue. Amman, Jordan

Amman, Jordan, 22-23September 2018 In the context of the SOLiD project, the Arab NGO Network for Development organized a regional capacity development workshop in Jordan to support civil society organizations to get acquainted with the economic, social, legal, and organizational content and practices of Social Dialogue and its institutional challenges. The workshop was the culmination of a[…]