
Launch of the Social Dialogue Project in Jordan

غرفة صناعة الاردن ومنظمة البزنس مد يعقدون ورشة عمل متخصصة لتحديد الاثر المباشر على الربحية لاصحاب الاعمال تعقد كل من غرفة صناعة الاردن ومنظمة البزنس ميد (BUSINESSMED) في إطار مشروع : تعزيز الحوار الاجتماعي في منطقة جنوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وتحت رعاية كريمة من معالي وزير العمل السيد علي الغزاوي الاكرم، وعلى مدار اليومين الثامن والتاسع من[…]



Regional Workshop on Business on Human Rights

In the context of the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood and in coordination with the Arab Trade Union Confederation and Businessmed, the Arab NGO Network for Development held a regional workshop on Business on Human Rights to discuss issues related to the business sector’s responsibility in upholding human rights.[…]



Regional Seminar on Business and Human Rights

n the context of the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood-SOLiD and in coordination with the Arab Trade Union Confederation ATUC and BUSINESSMED, the Arab NGO Network for Development held a regional workshop on Business and Human Rights, on 7 and 8 September 2016, at the Gefinor Rotana Hotel in[…]