In the framework of Solid project, pilot project for the promotion of social dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood, UTICA and BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, have organized on Friday, September 16th, 2016 at Utica’s Headquarters a national seminar on the subject : « Employers and Social Dialogue : Enhancement of capacities and adaptation to the new reality ». It was inaugurated by Mr. Hichem Elloumi Vice President of the Union and by Mr. Mohamed Ali Weld Sidi, Director of the International Labour Office (ILO) for the Maghreb countries, and closed by H.E. the Minister of Social Affairs, Mohamed Trabelsi. During his speech, Mr. Khalil Ghariani, member of the National Executive Board presented the general framework of the seminar. During the seminar, several new themes were treated such as the reality of social dialogue in Tunisia, the dialogue within the company and the anticipation of conflicts as well as capacity building of economic enterprises and UTICA