The Workshop “Social Dialogue and employment” jointly organized by BUSINESSMED and the Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI) on October 05th in Beirut marked the launch of SOLiD project in Lebanon.
This high level event dedicated to the promotion of SOLiD project in Lebanon was held under the high patronage of the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of social affairs. It witnessed the participation of the main Lebanese social partners namely the Lebanese Economic and social council (ESC), Employers’ associations in particular ALI, LECA and the Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture Zahle & Bekaa (CCIAZ), Trade Unions of Transport and Textile, as well as certain eminent organizations mainly the International Labour Office (ILO– Arab States), the National Office of Employment (NEO) and GOPA.
The workshop was inaugurated by BUSINESSMED’s President Mr Jacques Jean SARRAF who presented SOLiD project, its objectives, partners and expected results. During his keynote address, President SARRAF stressed on the magnitude of social dialogue as a lever of social peace and sustainable economic development in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood.
The opening session was followed by a round table moderated by an expert in Social Dialogue Dr Wafaa Haidamous. It dealt with the perception of Lebanese social partners towards social dialogue and the role of the latter in enhancing employment in Lebanon.
The introduction of SOLiD project in Lebanon was highly appreciated by the participants as it fits as an alternative in view of the current economic and social challenges. In this respect, the workshop led to several recommendations mainly the implementation of a modern social contract catalyst of labor movement and economic advancement, based on a consensus between the government and the social partners, the modernization of the education and vocational training systems, the support of local institutions in conquering European markets which truly raise the challenge of creating jobs and skills retention, etc.