The Regional Seminar chaired by the Director of SOLiD project Mr Mustapha Tlili brought together the social partners of the 3 target countries Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan namely the Employers’ organizations represented by l’Union Tunisienne de l’Industrie de Commerce et de l’Artisanat (UTICA – Tunisia), la Confédération Générale des Entreprises de Maroc (CGEM – Morocco) and the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI – Jordan) on one hand, and the Trade Union Organizations represented by Union Générale Tunisienne de Travail (UGTT – Tunisia), Union Marocaine du Travail (UMT – Morocco) and the General Federation of Jordan Trade Unions (GFJTU – Jordan) from another hand as well as the Economic Social and Environmental Council ESEC – Morocco.
The ultimate goal of this event, jointly organized by BUSINESSMED and The ATUC, is the restitution of the main recommendations from employers’ and Trade Unions’ perspective on the Diagnosis report of social partners’ perceptions towards social dialogue drafted by the project’s experts. In this respect, the participants agreed on the need to enrich the diagnosis report by the diversification of the sources of information, an in deph analysis of the legislative framework and the inclusion of the national specificities and the transition to the regional aspect of social dialogue.
Besides the review of the diagnosis report, the experts initiated a debate on common issues between the regional social partners to be developed during SOLiD upcoming meetings leading to action plans component of the project’s charter. Certain policy papers are basically inspired from sustainable development agenda 2030 namely: exclusion, climate change, poverty, vocational training, etc.