Official Adoption of SOLiD Charter

As a follow up action dedicated to the promotion of SOLiD results, the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises – BUSINESSMED organized a side event for the official adoption of SOLiD Charter in the margin of the 4th UfM Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour, that took place on April 2nd 2019, in Cascais – Portugal.

The promotional event gathered the project’s consortium, governmental representatives, EU partners as well as the participants to the Ministerial Meeting organized by the UfM.

SOLiD Side event devoted to the official adoption of the charter for the promotion of social dialogue was an occasion to present the main results of the project to a broader audience and to gain the recognition of the key economic and social actors from both shores of the Mediterranean.

The EU-South social partners (BusinessEurope – BUSINESSMED – ETUC – ATUC) sized this opportunity in order to outline their joint declaration stating that “The social partners of the UfM from the northern shore welcome the progress achieved in this area and note the conclusions of the project as well as the Charter of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean”.