In the framework the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood – SOLiD, BUSINESSMED (The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises) in partnership with UTICA organized a two-day training session under the theme « Promoting Social Dialogue within companies: The CAC Platform for Social Peace and Productivity Improvement » on September […]
Dans le cadre du projet SOLID, et sa composante de partenariat sur le dialogue social entre les partenaires sociaux tuniso – allemands « PTADS » ATELIER SUR : LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE ET L’EMPLOI, UN AXE DE DIALOGUE SOCIAL BIPARTITE Hôtel Ramada Plaza Gammarth Tunis 20 – 23 MAI 2017 AGENDA / PROGRAMME SAMEDI 20 MAI 2017 16H00[…]